Changing lives for the better
Personalized Legal Support
Personal Injury, Bankruptcy and Property Loss
Do you need help filing a claim with an insurance company? Were you injured in an accident? Are you ready to file for bankruptcy or looking for financial options to help you get on your feet again? Did someone cause you bodily harm or damage your property? Contact us to schedule an email or phone consultation so you can get back to your own life while we work on getting things done for you. |
Education Law
Do you have a child with special needs that the school system is not currently meeting? Do you need assistance at an IEP meeting? Or do you need an assessment of your child's unique needs and what the school is required to provide under state and/or federal law? If so, you can have our experienced attorneys with years of education experiences advocate on your behalf to provide your child with what they need.
Adoptions and Family Law Issues
Are you ready to finalize an adoption of an infant, child or teen? Do you have a relative in state foster care or custody that you would like to adopt? Do you have parenting plan, custody or child support issues to resolve? Do you need someone to advocate for you in a domestic dispute? Have an experienced family law attorney help you with your case and give yourself peace of mind while you continue moving forward.
Legal Services